Monday, February 23, 2009

Movie Review: Quarantine

Let's just say DECENT.

Quarantine is a 2008 horror movie about a news crew and a group of fireman, policemen, and residents of an old apartment building who are being locked inside the building due to the "rabies/zombie" outbreak from within the walls. and it's just about what you would expect from a horror movie these days. And we've already seen it all, but you can't blame them for trying, again and again and again.... well...let's get to it.... The movie begins with a HQ camera Cloverfield-esq feel, but lacks the grit and intensity within Cloverfield. But the plus side, there's death, raging loonies, blood, old ladies getting shot and "Detective Debra Morgan" (assuming you're all fans of Dexter =D) a.k.a. Jennifer Carpenter. Jay Hernandez also stars, for the ladies eyes. But, the movie did end up being quite a decent horror flick of our generation. All shot with hand held camera and with a spot of mystery that isnt so mysterious. It'll make the ladies scream, and the men laugh for it's raw undenying action and brutal, infected people bashing? haha.
So i say, go rent it, or borrow it from a friend. Enjoy an hour and a half of an uninspiring un-epic-like horror movie, entitled Quarantine.

MUT rates this a 3 out of 5
rates 3 out of 5

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